Aiteal Distilled Irish Gin


Format: 70cl

Irish Gin distilled with only local juniper berries

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Here's what they say about us

Aiteal Distilled Irish is 100% Irish: it is distilled in the Lough Ree micro-distillery using only a rare Irish juniper, handpicked in a sustainable way, and an Irish milk alcohol base.
The word Aiteal means Juniper in Irish, to emphasize the use of this botanical only. The particular base makes the gin very soft and pleasant, while the juniper gives its prominent notes and its characteristic aromas with wonderful herbaceous notes for blending. Try it in the Martini, in the Negroni and in the classic Gin Tonic!

Aiteal Gin and the other Lough Ree Distillery products are the first selected by for the Adopt A Gin project, aimed at bringing particularly excellent foreign gins to Italy, not yet distributed in our country and looking for an importer. We therefore invite importers to contact us and connoisseurs to try this otherwise unobtainable gin.

Additional information

gradation 40% VOL
Format 70CL
Country Ireland

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