

Elusive skies and wild lands. In Scotland and Ireland there are four seasons in one day. For this you have to savor every moment.

Two almost the same names, how do we orient ourselves in this wonderful world?
Can anyone help us ...
Sir Brien Caskoak

Without E, Scotch whiskey.

Each production area leaves very specific characteristics to the distillate. The peat that is put in the oven gives a smoky aroma, but leaves the other notes unchanged.

Aberlour 12

€ 40,85

€ 39,00

Aberlour 16

€ 49,75

€ 47,99

Aberlour 18

€ 61,66

€ 59,00

chivas 18

€ 68,55

€ 61,00

Chivas Regal

€ 49,58

€ 45,01

Scapa Skiren

€ 51,28

€ 45,99

The Glenlivet 12

€ 38,87

The Glenlivet 15

€ 49,80

€ 45,01

The Glenlivet 18

€ 71,27

€ 65,00

With the E, Irish whiskey.

It is roasted in closed copper furnaces, which give a fuller scent of raw materials. Unmalted barley requires triple distillation. These spirits are more fragrant, round and balanced.

Green spot

€ 48,50

Yellow Spot

€ 79,06

€ 75,99

Red Breast

€ 50,53